3D Printing Functional Objects
Magigoo embarks on interior decoration !
The Magigoo team is keen to try out many things! Indeed, for several weeks, the team focused on 3D printing functional objects that could be useful to everybody on a daily basis – a lampshade, a vase and a stool.
1) The first object is a lampshade designed in order to create interesting shapes and shades when put on a lamp.

The printing of the lampshade was quite laborious since the lower part of the design could not be printed correctly in one piece and failed couple of times. We tried with 3 kinds of printers and many materials and it always appeared to give up on the same spot. Our assumption is that the structural integrity and forces at that point did not allow it to be printed easily, at least not in one piece. The printing had to be done in two steps, initially starting with the upper part of the lampshade appearing to be less resenting to the printing, then continuing with the lower part and then plastic welding them together.
The final printing of the lampshade was made thanks to a FelixPrinter and an eSun light blue ABS filament. The material and the printer were sent to us for testing. FelixPrinter Pro 2 Touch is a really great piece of technology. Auto levelling and precision allowed to print pretty quickly without much effort. We had to use Simplify3D in order to have more control over our slicing though. eSUN was a surprisingly good quality material considering its low price point – a very competitive quality indeed. After a while and due to our highly humid environment we had to dry the filament before use, to make sure it performs as well as just after opening the package. No need to mention that the adhesion to the heating bed was successful thanks to the Magigoo glue stick – you can see in our video how easy it was to release. You can see a timelapse of this below.
2) The second object is a very refined flower pot that Magigoo team printed in two steps.

At first, the upper part of the flower pot was printed thanks to a transparent colored PLA material and in a second time the base of the flower pot, printed thanks to a eSUN PETG grey filament. Both performed well on a Creality CR10. We will post a review on Creality in a separate prost
3) At first glance you may not directly think of a stool as a bee hive, but that is the core design of the stool… Impressive isn’t it ?

Probably one of the longest prints we’ve had, this stool was printed in approximately 60 hours which is quite long for a 3D printing. Just imagine if it failed on the 40th hour?… Very frustrating! We didn’t have this problem and to be honest this print is of remarkable quality. Thanks to just one Magigoo sample sachet of 2ml we managed to cover the whole build plate and the print stuck to throughout the whole 60 hours and released easily.
Let’s not forget to mention that the Honey Stool, as we like to call it, was printed thanks to the Creality CR-10 kindly lent by our friend “the Noob”, creator of the youtube channel 3D Maker Noob.
The material used to print this magnificent object is a honey-colored PLA filament of the brand Wanhao, a very reliable filament based on testimonies of some printing communities but also based on our result of this difficult print. This part is only the main part of the stool which will later be endowed with feet in order to make it perfectly and safely usable. You can see the short video of this print and release in this twitter post here.
What do you think of our approach to 3D Printing functional objects?