Not only does it have an incredible "easy release mechanism", it’s also non-toxic and odourless.

Forget those stinky glue smells

Just draw the line

100+ Average Prints

Don't worry about nasty chemicals

It's as easy as being cool

PLA, ABS, PETG and More
Everything you need to print engineering filaments reliably

for high temperature filaments

for flexible filaments

for nylon filaments

for polycarbonate filaments

for polypropylene filaments

for glass fibre polypropylene filaments
Effortless, Fast, and Economical Adhesive Application
Larger bottle for larger build plate or printfarms
Works with different kinds of Magigoo
Easy to apply, with smoother results every time

Apply on multiple or large build plates in less time
Reduces glue expenses for high.volume applications
Kit includes a cleaning cloth
Industrial applicator for large print surfaces or 3D printing farms

Swipe Magigoo adhesive in one wide stripe

Larger bottle for larger build plate

Cleaning kit included in starter kit

Works with different kinds of Magigoo

Rubber valves do not clog

Guarantees a perfect layer
Drying hygroscopic filaments as you 3D print

an-line design dries only the section of filament that is 3D printed

the list of certified filaments with calibrated drying settings is constantly growing

smart sensors help to dry filament to the best 3D printing condition

a user friendly UO guides user all the way

Movement sensors detect idle moments and switch off the heaters to ensure safety
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