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Effortless, Fast, and Economical Adhesive Application

First layer build-plate adhesives are required to mitigate the warping effect in the FDM printing process of commodity and engineering grade thermoplastic filaments.

If your AM process involves numerous build surfaces in a printing farm set-up or 3D printers with large build surfaces, applying first layer adhesives using glue-stick, pen type or brush-on adhesives simply takes a lot of time and can result in an uneven application.

Magigoo Glide enables you to apply and spread the layer with Glide Roller in a quick, convenient, and reliable manner on your FDM printing surface.

Glide Kit includes everything you need. 

  • Glide Roller
  • 250ml Magigoo Original
  • Cleaning Cloth
Magigoo Glide Kit
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